Covid Dashboard


Due to HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) laws, no personal information will be shared.

When iCademy Global receives notification of a positive case, we will contact the county health department who traces and directly contacts those in close contact of the positive case.  iCademy will work with the health department to notify individuals as necessary.

Current Active Cases as 1/14/22
Students: 3
Staff: 0

*Quarantine includes confirmed close contacts only.  Students who miss school while awaiting test results due to symptons but subsequently test negative or receive an alternative diagnosis are not included in this information.

NOTE: The numbers reported here are only those of iCademy Global and not those of any other school supported by Innovative Education Services (IES).  A student or staff member in quarantine does *not* equal a positive case as they could be in quarantine due to a direct contact with a positive case or are displaying possible symptoms.