April 16, 2018

Apr 16, 2018Newsletter

Congratulations to our Innocademy/iCademy Robotics Team #5927! They recently competed at the State Competition at Saginaw Valley State University this past weekend! GREAT season, GlobeTrotters!


Mark Your Calendars, Please! NEW items in BOLD=)

  • April 24th – Virtual Parent Meeting @ 6pm
  • May 9th & May 10th – 1/2 Day for Tulip Time – ReFUEL Closed/Students Dismissed at 12:30pm
  • May 20th – 25th – High School Backpacking Adventure to Pennsylvania!
  • Friday, May 25th – Professional Development Day – No School
  • May 28th – June 3rd – iCademy Break Week – No School
  • June 4th – School Resumes
  • June 8th, 15th, 22nd – Enjoy Fridays – No School!
  • June 10th – 16th – Middle School East Coast Trip with Innocademy
  • August 2nd – Orientation for 2018-2019 School Year!

NEW Info For This Week!

Enrollment Intentions for 2018-2019

If you have not yet filled out your intentions for next year, please do so at this link by Friday, April 20th. We simply need one form filled out for each family. Thank you!


April Lunch Menu


Synergy Session Sign Up – Career Quest – April 25th

Are you a middle or high school student? Travel with or meet us at DeVos Place on April 25th to investigate Career Quest! Please take a peek at the sign up genius, below for more details and to tell us if you are going! Hope to see all of you, there!


Summer Technology Camp Opportunity for Girls

Camp Infinity is a week-long summer technology camp for girls entering 5th to 8th grade that introduces technology as fun and fulfilling and inspires the pursuit of technology education. MCWT Foundation created it to address the primary reasons girls lose interest in technology: confidence, social relevance, and social (peer) acceptance.

The camp:

  • Builds confidence and capability with hands-on technology activities such as robotics and computer game design
  • Demonstrates that technology is fun through the execution of engaging projects with other girls, with high school girls as counselors
  • Reinforces social relevance by featuring visitors from the local technology community that explain how their work is important to society at large

Founded in 2004, Camp Infinity helps spark girls’ interest in math and science, which tends to decrease during middle-school years. It separates the girls into two groups of 20 by grade to better cater to their technological experience. The fourth and fifth grade girls focus on website, app and video game design while the sixth and seventh graders focus on robotics and web and app design.

During lunch, professionals from leading area companies meet with the girls and encourage them to continue learning about technology. Access to role models like these reinforces the rewards and opportunities a career in technology can bring.

Date: Holland – July 16th thru July 19th

  • Lunch will be provided each day.
  • Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided each day.
  • All camp supplies will be provided.
  • Camp Infinity times are from 8:30am-3:30pm Monday – Thursday
  • Cost: $75/camper. Limited scholarships are available to reduce the cost to $25/camper.

Link to Camp Infinity Holland website

(If the link doesn’t work, the URL is:


Questions? Please contact DuAnne Masselink dmasselink@davenport.edu

OLD Info…In Case You Missed It =)

Please review the assessment schedule, below, to find out when your 3rd – 8th grade student(s) will be testing.

Testing Schedule for Parents

Nominate An AMAZING Teacher!

Would be so fun to see some of our INCREDIBLE iCademy Global teachers on this list of nominees posted in the Holland Sentinel! Deadline is end of April.


Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 10.33.57 AM

OLD Info…In Case You Missed It =)

Virtual Parent Meeting – Recordings

If you were unable to make the iCademy Virtual Parent Meeting last week, Monday, please see, below, for the information you missed.

Whole Group Meeting

K-5 Breakout Meeting
6-8 Breakout Meeting

9-12 Breakout Session


How Can Parents Help Prepare Students For Upcoming State Testing?


High School Backpacking Adventure Opportunity!

Please see the information, below, for details regarding an upcoming backpacking opportunity for iCademy Global High School Students!
The group will be leaving on Sunday morning, May 20th at 5am and returning late Thursday night, May 24th.
  • Please note the itinerary listed in the attachment says leaving on Monday. Everything should be backed up one day to leave on Sunday, instead.
Please let Mr. Tyler know if you are interested, asap, or if you have questions! tyler.huizenga@icademyglobal.org

Calendar for 2018-2019 School Year

iCademy 18-19 School Calendar

Virtual Office Links!

Middle School Virtual Office Information:


UserName: MSvirtualoffice    Password: #iCademy09

High School Virtual Office Information:


UserName: HSvirtualoffice    Password: #iCademy09

School Calendar for 2017-2018

iCademy Calendar 2017-2018 FINAL

Live Lesson Schedule

17-18 Live Lesson & RE-FUEL Schedule

Reminder that live lessons happen each Monday and Wednesday of the school year, beginning August 7th!

Having Tech Troubles? 

If you are having issues with your computer and need technical assistance, Mr. Kevin, our offsite tech team lead, has said the smoothest way to get solutions in place would be to call 616-502-2572 or 866-629-8005.  support@vectortechgroup.com