August 12, 2021

Aug 12, 2021Newsletter



Thank you families who participated in the kayaking event. It was for an amazing kickoff event for the year. HUGE thanks to the Outdoor Discovery Center for partnering with us to do these fun events!

If any of you enjoy getting out and connecting with your teachers and other students – we’ll have plenty more synergy sessions and travel experiences together throughout the year.

Also, if you like Outdoor Learning – we have a class with the Outdoor Discovery Center that can take the place of one of your online electives. Check it out in the Community Passport Application.

ODC Class Video:

Re:FUEL Open Next Week for Middle/High School! Find Out More and Meet Ms. Heather!

I am Ms. Heather, the new Re:Fuel Student Coordinator. I attended Grand Valley for Special Education. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for the last several years while educating my 4 kids in a School/Home hybrid program. I am so excited to be back working in a school setting. I LOVE working with kids and have a passion for encouraging kids to recognize their potential. 

We are so excited to relaunch Re:Fuel on campus THIS TUESDAY, August 17th! The purpose of Re:Fuel is to offer a space for Middle and High school students to be engaged with their learning and each other.  Re:Fuel will have time that is structured for learners to focus while working independently or collaboratively with others, organized time to build community with others, and time to just hang out! 

 Here’s How It Works (This is a little different than how things have run in the past so you will want to take a peek =):

  1. Students need to sign up in advance. The portal sign-up will normally open on Friday at 3pm and close Monday at 5pm.
  2. At this time 25 students can sign up. If it fills up you can add yourself to the waitlist. Sign up early!
  3. Sign ups will be available to students who have positive engagement in class and are making progress in lessons.
    • Positive Engagement – for RE:Fuel purposes this means passing at least 4 classes and meeting your Live Lesson expectations for the previous week.
  4. While Re:Fuel runs from 9:00-3:00, Students can arrive and leave for the day when it is convenient for families.
    • If you are driving to campus, please park in the WEST (by McDonald’s) PARKING LOT ONLY.
    • High School students can have off campus lunch from 11:50-12:50. 
  5. Free breakfast and hot lunch are provided.
    • You can sign up for lunch on the portal. 
    • Breakfast you will just grab as you arrive
  6. Bring all the materials you need for learning for that day. (Computer, headphones, and school supplies.)
  7. The Re:Fuel Coffee shop will be up and running! We will be sellings drinks and snacks. Purchases can be made with cash only. We will be looking for students to help run the coffee shop!

HOW DO I SIGN UP? (Remember, you will see the sign up appear on FRIDAY, not now =)

  1. Login to your iCademy Student Portal: iCademy Portal
  2. Look for the “RE:Fuel Sign-Up” below the “Apps” section
  3. You can sign-up for breakfast and lunch at this time

If you have any questions, now or throughout the year please reach out to me at or your child can reach me on Zoom! If you have anything you would like to share with me that would help me best support your child while in Re:Fuel, please email me. I would love to connect with you! 

Hybrid Arrival and Afternoon Pick Up

As a reminder, all drop-offs and afternoon pick ups should take place in the East parking lot (see Map, above). Please plan to stay with your student until teachers arrive outside by the iCademy door in the East Parking Lot at 9am. Please plan on picking up your student, according to the map, above at 3pm. Please make every effort to be on time as Innocademy will be dismissed in that same parking lot right after our students.

Speaking of Being On Campus – Mask Status Update

We continue to work closely with the Ottawa County Health Department and area school leaders regarding Covid-19 protocols. Today, masks are recommended making mask-wearing optional. Should the “recommended” language change to “required” we will need to follow that guidance and require masks be worn while on campus. We will absolutely keep you updated as we receive guidance.

Hot Lunch Menu – Breakfast, Too! – August

SAVE THE DATE – Virtual Curriculum Night – August 31st @ 6:30pm

We are excited to get the year launched and then meet with all of our families on Tuesday, August 31st @ 6:30pm to talk more in depth about curriculum and other important items that will make this year a fantastic one for everyone! We will email the meeting link as we get closer to that date =).

Follow Us on Facebook

Feel free to join us at our public page iCademy Global as well as our iCademy Parent Group Page.

I Have a Tech Problem – What Do I Do?

Please direct all of your technology issues to our technology coordinator, Ms. Robyn at

and she will be happy to help you as quickly as she can.

iCademy School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year

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