July 16, 2021

Jul 16, 2021Newsletter

Greetings from iCademy!

We hope everyone is enjoying a fun, relaxing summer! Your teachers have been taking some time to relax and are now gearing up for a fantastic school year with you! Please see below for some important information.


If you have one or more new students joining us this year at iCademy we are looking forward to you joining us! Unfortunately, we won’t be able to release materials to your child without the information, below, on file.

Please see the list below, gather the documents and, if you have not done so, already, please upload ASAP using THIS LINK. If you prefer to bring the items to campus, instead, please do so between 9am – 1pm on Tuesdays/Thursdays.

  • Student original birth certificate
  • Parent/Legal Guardian Driver’s License 
  • Updated Immunizations
  • Health Appraisal – Completed by Physician (below – needed only for students entering K or who have never attended a public school in Michigan)
  • Acknowledgment of Concussion Information (below)
  • Records Request (below – no need to fill it out if this is your child’s first year attending any school)
  • IEP (if applicable) 
  • 504 Plan (if applicable)
  • Transcripts (High School Students in grades 10th – 12th, only)

Who Is My Child’s Teacher/Mentor?

Teachers are excited to meet and/or reconnect with your kiddos! You will be receiving a welcome email from your child’s teacher on/before July 26th!

Orientation/Materials Pick Up – Tuesday, August 3rd

We are looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces on Tuesday, August 3rd! Students will pick up their materials, head home and work though the online orientation so they are all ready to begin their courses on Monday, August 9th.

Special Note: If you are the parent of a Hybrid student, after picking up your materials in the west parking lot between 6:30-7pm, you are welcome to park in the EAST lot, enter the building, meet your teacher and see your learning space!

iCademy School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year