Welcome Back! Hope Break Week Was FANTASTIC!
CONGRATULATIONS to the iCademy Global Class of 2018! They will be graduating tonight at 6pm at City on a Hill in Zeeland if you’d like to attend!
Congratulations to Ms. Lindsey and Mr. Ryan on completing the Bayshore Marathon over break!
Congratulations, also, to Mr. Reid and Mr. Andy for completing the Tough Mudder race this past weekend!
Mark Your Calendars, Please! NEW items in BOLD=)
- June 4th – iCademy Graduation – 6pm – Graduates report at 5pm
- June 7th – 14th – BOGO Book Fair Sale at Homestead Campus
- June 8th, 15th, 22nd – Enjoy Fridays – No School!
- June 10th – 16th – Middle School East Coast Trip with Innocademy
- June 21st – 5:30-8pm – Homestead Campus Outdoor Learning Center Fundraiser
- August 2nd – Orientation for 2018-2019 School Year!
- August 16th – All IES Schools Picnic Potluck at Dutch Village
NEW Info For This Week!
Fundraiser Envelopes Due!
Before break week, if your student was on campus, he/she may have received an envelope for fundraising for the Outdoor Learning Environment. Lots of opportunities to earn raffle tickets, t-shirts and even money towards a bike! Students collecting $500 in donations are GUARANTEED to receive a voucher for $120 at Velo City! Wowzers! If you did not get a chance to turn in the envelope, today, please do so, asap! Thank you!
REMINDER: BOGO Book Fair Set Up and Sale
Wednesday, starting after lunch, is set up for our Buy One Get One Book Fair Sale! Sale starts Thursday limited hours before and after school.
Currently, we only have one person signed up so far to volunteer. If you are available, please use the link, below to sign up to help. Thanks!
Did You Know…?
All libraries have FREE wifi hotspots that you can check out for one week at a time? There is usually a waiting list, but definitely something to check out if you will be traveling this summer =).
Outdoor Learning Environment Fundraiser – June 21st!
Meet Up and Eat Up Info
Meet Up and Eat Up is a fun reason to get out of the house and get outside! Activities like games, sports, water activities, books, and crafts provide exercise and fun with friends. Free meals are provided for everyone 18 and under throughout the summer. See below for a location near you!
OLD Info…In Case You Missed It =)
What IS The Outdoor Learning Environment, Anyway?
When we first moved into Homestead Campus 6 years ago, we began developing a vision for what the Outdoor Learning Environment could become! Over the last 6 years it has gone from a grassy field full of pricker bushes to a place where students thrive and they, as well as the greater community, get a chance to sharpen their saws! Please see below for the artist’s original rendering of the vision for the space. While the 2nd slide says “future” the future is HERE! And we need your help to make this vision a reality! Please plan on attending the fundraiser on June 21st!
BookFlix from Scholastic – FREE Fun!!!
It is described as a …
…family-friendly reading tool that can be used to create meaningful, high-quality interactions among families. It features 250 interactive and animated books, 70 Spanish books, after-reading learning games, read aloud with word highlighting, and top-notch storytelling narrators including James Earl Jones, Meryl Streep, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Bates, and dozens more!
The best part … it is free.
Here’s how to access it:
- Go to Fennville District Library site:
- http://www.fennvilledl.michlibrary.org
- Click on mel (Michigan ellibrary: found on the right side, in purple of the homepage)
- Click on Kids (upper part of the page)
BOGO Scholastic Book Fair June 7-14
While this sale will have limited hours, it is a great opportunity for students to stock up on summer reading! If you are able to volunteer some time to help our littles shop or to help students check out (psst…we will train you =), please click on the link, below:
Summer Reading Program
Join us for the Howard Miller Library’s Summer Reading Program 2018: Libraries Rock! Registration begins Monday, June 11 with our kick-off party @ 10:00 AM featuring Tom Plunkard the Magician! FREE programs & prizes for all ages, birth through those entering the 12th grade. The program runs June 11- August 4 Check our website in June for our calendar of events at. www.hmpl.org.
Check Out Camp Infinity!
Camp Infinity is a four-day summer technology camp for girls entering 5th to 8th grade that introduces technology as fun and fulfilling and inspires the pursuit of technology education. MCWT Foundation created it to address the primary reasons girls lose interest in technology: confidence, social relevance, and social (peer) acceptance. The camp:
- ● Builds confidence and capability with hands-on technology activities such as robotics and web design
- ● Demonstrates that technology is fun through the execution of engaging projects with other girls, with high school/collegiate girls as counselors
- ● Reinforces social relevance by featuring visitors from the local technology community that explain how their work is important to society at large
Learn more by clicking on the “Camp Infinity Flyer 2018”, below:
Register using the link, below:
May Lunch Menu – And First Week of June =)
Summer Suess Day – Saturday, June 16th
The Summer Seuss Day is June 16th from 10A- 2P at the Hudsonville Fairgrounds. Link is provided if you’d like to check out the details. Volunteer opportunities will be in food service, game monitoring, and general clean up. Questions? Please email Alex at
Calendar for 2018-2019 School Year
Virtual Office Links!
Middle School Virtual Office Information:
UserName: MSvirtualoffice Password: #iCademy09
High School Virtual Office Information:
UserName: HSvirtualoffice Password: #iCademy09
School Calendar for 2017-2018
iCademy Calendar 2017-2018 FINAL
Live Lesson Schedule
17-18 Live Lesson & RE-FUEL Schedule
Reminder that live lessons happen each Monday and Wednesday of the school year, beginning August 7th!
Having Tech Troubles?
If you are having issues with your computer and need technical assistance, Mr. Kevin, our offsite tech team lead, has said the smoothest way to get solutions in place would be to call 616-502-2572 or 866-629-8005. support@vectortechgroup.com