May 6, 2019

May 6, 2019Newsletter

REMINDER: 1/2 Days on Wednesday and Thursday this week for Tulip Time. Dismissal at 12:30pm. No Live Lessons on Wednesday. REFUEL CLOSES & K-5 ONSITE TIME ENDS AT 12:00PM ON THURSDAY.

Mark Your Calendars, Please! NEW items in BOLD =)


  • May 8th & 9th – 1/2 Days for Tulip Time – Break begins at 12:30pm
  • May 15 & 16 – Ms. Michelle’s Students to visit Detroit
  • May 16th – No Onsite Time for 4th/5th Graders ONLY
  • May 21st – May 22nd – Middle School Trip to Chicago – DATE CHANGE
  • May 24th – June 2nd – iCademy Break Week


  • June 3rd – School Resumes
  • June 3rd – iCademy Graduation @ Harvest Bible Church
  • June 7th, 14th, 21st – Enjoy your Fridays – No School for Students
  • June 20th – All 2nd Semester coursework due at 11:59pm


High School Families, Only

If you are the parent of a High School Student, please take a moment to fill out the survey, below prior to Friday, May 10th:

MSTEP Make Up Testing – Middle School

Middle School Students, if you have been unable to make it to Homestead Campus for testing, keep in mind the make up date is tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7th beginning at 8:45am

Calling all incoming 7th and 8th Graders looking to take High School Courses next year:

Use the link below to find out more information about what next year could look like:

And any incoming 5th Graders thinking about taking Middle School Courses:

Take a peek at the video, below for more information:

Old Info…Just in case =)

May Lunch Menu

Camp Infinity Opportunity for Girls!

Middle School Chicago Trip Info

Who: iCademy Global Middle School

What: Stewardship and City of Chicago focused

When: May 21 (morning) to May 22 (evening)

Where: Chicago, Illinois

How much:$200 estimated

  • Hotel = $45 (per person)
  • Shedd Aquarium = $40 (per person)
  • Field Museum = $24 (per person)
  • Train $10 (per person round trip)
  • Gas and Transportation (Free!)
  • Food additional cost depending on where we eat budgeting $60
  • Additional activities $20 (Navy pier, Skydeck, Lincoln Park Zoo)
  • At the end of the trip your child will receive all their funds not used


iCademy Parent Facebook Page

If you haven’t yet had a chance to join the iCademy Parents Facebook page, please go ahead and do so! Great place to keep up to date on celebrations and good info – – or share something neat your family is doing! You can connect, HERE

Middle School TestingM

MAPS Tests for grades 6, 7, 8

Date: May 6th – May 17th

Time: Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00

Where: Homestead Campus (students may also take this test at home. They are, however, encouraged to come to campus, if at all possible)

During Testing students will notice a lighter school work amount, so please remind them to check their Calendars and Agendas.O

4th/5th Grade Students To Visit Detroit!

4th/5th Grade (optional) Field Trip: Ms. Michelle will be taking her students to the Detroit Zoo and a Tigers game on May 15-16. Due to this trip, there will be NO ONSITE TIME FOR 4th and 5th grade ONLY on Thursday, May 16. Thanks in advance!

Fundraising for Travel!

We are excited to offer students an opportunity to raise money to help pay for iCademy field experiences with a BULB SALE! And what a perfect time of the year. Students are able to save this money in their account until they are ready to use it for travel with iCademy. So if you are not going anywhere this year – you can still do it!

Here is how it works:

  1. Students share out the link below to all their family, friends, neighbors and anyone else and it doesn’t matter their location – it can be any state in the US.
  2. Once they have the link they sign up to buy some bulbs – during their sign up as they proceed to check out they put the student’s name down and 50% of what they spend goes directly into that student’s account.
  3. Once all the info is put in the bulbs get mailed directly to them – we have the fundraiser open until May 21st, but if they order before April 15, they get shipped pretty quickly after that day.


Energizing Our World Camp Info

Observer (Parent) Accounts And Access

Each of you has an observer account so that you can stay connected and informed of your child’s progress with his/her schoolwork. Please take a peek at the short video for more information on how to access.

Don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher/mentor, listed below, with any questions you may ever have.

K/1 – Ms. Deedee –

2/3 – Ms. Katelyn –

4/5 – Ms. Michelle –

6th – Ms. Melinda –

7th – Mr. Andy –

8th – Mr. Ryan –

9th – Ms. Janece –

10th – Mr. Reid –

11th – Ms. Amy –

12th – Ms. Kris –

Learning Environment Expectations

Please take a moment and watch this 7 minute video regarding learning environment expectations.

Family Resource Guide

For all of the information you ever could wish to know about iCademy – – and MORE, please see the Family Resource Guide. #3 iCademy Family Resource Guide 18-19

Calendar for 2018-2019 School Year

Please see the attachment for the 18-19 School Year.

iCademy 18-19 Calendar

Live Lesson Schedule

2018-2019 Schedule

Reminder that live lessons happen each Monday and Wednesday of the school year!!

Having Tech Troubles? 

If you are having issues with your computer and need technical assistance, Mr. Kevin, our offsite tech team lead, has said the smoothest way to get solutions in place would be to call 616-502-2572 or 866-629-8005.