Earn College Credits Through Dual Enrollment at iCademy

Jan 24, 2022Blog

As a leader in virtual K-12 education, iCademy is committed to helping our students prepare for life’s next steps. For many students, this includes going to college and obtaining a postsecondary degree that will help them launch their dream career. With dual enrollment, students don’t have to wait to get started on their degree.


What Is Dual Enrollment?

Dual enrollment is an alternative to traditional AP courses that allows students to earn college credits in high school. Rather than taking an advanced high school course, dual enrollment lets students enroll in real college courses (in-person or online) directly through the college or university.


Benefits of Dual Enrollment for iCademy Students

Xander N. started taking dual enrollment courses his freshman year at iCademy. He is on track to graduate from high school with enough college credits to complete his first year of a Computer Science degree at Baker College.

”The iCademy Dual Enrollment program has been a fantastic opportunity for my son,” said Xander’s mother, Jody, “The career exploration that was built into the process has allowed him to refine his career path while taking courses that have challenged him and helped him grow.”

Here are some of the benefits Xander and our other dual-enrolled students can receive from the program.

Obtain Discounts on College Course Tuition

iCademy offers significant discounts on tuition for college courses. Though our tuition aid is dependent on state funding and the chosen college or university, we are typically able to pay for a significant portion of the student’s class tuition, if not all of it.

“Davenport University is one of our most frequent dual enrollment partners,” says Laura Verkaik, iCademy counselor and expert in dual enrollment offerings. “They (and other universities) will often match our tuition contributions so that there is no cost to our students.”

Graduate Early From High School

Because of how we process dual enrollment at iCademy, students who begin taking college courses their freshman and sophomore year of high school may earn enough iCademy credits to graduate early.

Help Determine The Ideal Path for Each Student

One of the major benefits of dual enrollment is that by taking actual college courses, high school students will obtain a better understanding of what a college education will entail. Depending on the career they’re interested in, a traditional college or university degree might not be the best fit for a student’s learning style or goals. With college tuition costs constantly on the rise, figuring out whether college is a necessary or ideal next step before enrolling can save students significant time and money.

Other Benefits

Although there are benefits to a virtual education, many parents and students place significant value on the importance of fostering in-person relationships. Dual enrollment is a great way to help virtual students connect in-person with their peers. And for students who have never participated in a traditional physical classroom setting, dual-enrolling for in-person college courses can help ease the transition.

Additionally, for students with busy extracurricular schedules, the flexibility of scheduling your iCademy courses creates more opportunities to schedule and attend college courses without having to resort to evening or night courses after the end of a traditional school day.


Dual Enrollment At iCademy


Who Is Eligible For Dual Enrollment?

Eligibility for dual enrollment depends on the student’s academic record or test scores. Students with adequate academic standing can begin dual enrolled courses as early as their freshman year of high school.

How Many College Courses Can Students Take?

Freshman and sophomore students may take two dual-enrolled college courses each year, while junior and senior students may enroll in four a year. This results in a maximum of ten college courses throughout the student’s high school career.

How Do College Courses Affect iCademy’s Course Load?

As mentioned previously, taking college courses can allow students to graduate iCademy early. This is possible because we count each college-level course as two iCademy course credits. For example, a sophomore student at iCademy who is enrolled in one college course only needs to take four iCademy courses to meet the required six high school credits to complete the school year.

What Courses and Colleges Are Available For Dual Enrollment?

Almost all courses are accepted for dual enrollment at iCademy. However, we do recommend parents and students choose courses that align with the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) to ensure that the credits will transfer to other colleges and universities.
Not all colleges and universities will offer dual enrollment options for high school students. By selecting MTA courses at a participating college, students can then transfer their college credits to their desired university.


Get Started With Dual Enrollment Through iCademy

Navigating the post secondary education world can be difficult. Counselor Laura Verkaik suggests that parents and students considering dual enrollment reach out to her for a consultation. Laura will schedule a time to sit down and get to know the student and their situation better, and then advise on the best dual enrollment plan for their individual interests and goals.

Wondering if dual enrollment is right for your child? Check out this Family Advising Form and contact Laura at laura.verkaik@icademyglobal.org to learn more.