
Extracurricular Spotlight: Music Club

Apr 5, 2022Blog, Extracurriculars

laptop playing spotify music

The Music Club is open to any and all music appreciators and enthusiasts! Hobbyist musician and middle school teacher Mr. Jacob leads the club virtually once a week. Love to listen or play your own music? Join the club!

Sometimes students worry that they can’t join if they don’t play an instrument or sing, but that’s not the case! We’re a very inclusive club and we welcome anyone who loves music.

Mr. Jacob

Middle School Teacher & Music Club Leader

What We Do in the Music Club

The music club is a new offering at iCademy and has a casual and fluid structure. From sharing musical skills to discussing trending songs, we’ve got something for every music lover!

Music Appreciation

To kickstart a music discussion, club members often share what type of music they like or have been listening to lately. From there we usually end up listening to the songs on Spotify and discussing our interests and musical tastes.

Share Your Talents (Or Taste!)

Students can bring an instrument and play or sing something they like or have recently learned. Mr. Jacob plays drum/percussion, the guitar and the piano and encourages club members to also share their talents and tastes. “Don’t worry about your particular taste in music,” says Mr. Jacob, “We want to include a variety of musical genres and interests to learn more about music. Having different musical interests in the club lets us listen to new music and branch out in our interests.”

Test Your Song Knowledge

Test your musical knowledge against your clubmates in a virtual “guess that song” game. It’s a virtual game students can join on their own devices. We pick a genre and the app plays a song clip for us to guess the song.

Take Part in Special Projects

This year the club is also working on organizing the iCademy talent show. Many of the meetings focus on planning and growing interest in the production. To help promote the show, the club members are putting together a split screen cover video of their chosen song, All the Small Things by Blink182.


All middle school and high school iCademy students can join the club at any time. Whether you play, sing or just appreciate music, the Music Club has something for everyone. As a newer club offering the structure is still flexible, so the club has the potential to become anything you want it to be!

To join your fellow music lovers, ask your mentor or teacher to send you a link to sign up for the Music Club!