So great seeing everyone at orientation this past week! If you have not yet picked up your device/materials, please contact to arrange a time for Monday.
Orientation – Please Finish ASAP
Wow! Thanks to all of you who have already finished orientation and are set to launch on Monday! If you have not yet done so, please go ahead and complete that this weekend so you are ready to start school on Monday =).
SAVE THE DATE – Virtual Curriculum Night – August 31st @ 6:30pm
We are excited to get the year launched and then meet with all of our families on Tuesday, August 31st @ 6:30pm to talk more in depth about curriculum and other important items that will make this year a fantastic one for everyone! We will email the meeting link as we get closer to that date =).
Follow Us on Facebook
Feel free to join us at our public page iCademy Global as well as our iCademy Parent Group Page.
Join Us for Kayaking on August 12th!
What a fantastic way to end the first week of school! Kayaking is open to all grade levels. Please sign up by using THIS LINK if you would like to join us at DUNTON PARK, 290 HOWARD AVENUE, HOLLAND.
I’m Done With Orientation – Why Are My Classes Not On My Dashboard?
You may see all of your courses, or just some of them. If you are not seeing all of them it is most likely because you are in the middle of picking your electives – – or you’ve already picked them and our staff has not had a chance to add them to your dashboard just yet. Please breathe easy as this first week of school is a really soft start to get things rolling with all of you. Teachers are full of grace and support and are excited to help you get your feet under you as we launch into a fantastic year! Please reach out to your mentor with any questions.
I Have a Tech Problem – What Do I Do?
Please direct all of your technology issues to our technology coordinator, Ms. Robyn at
and she will be happy to help you as quickly as she can.
When is Re:Fuel Open?
Re:Fuel, our on campus coffee shop that is available to middle and high school students from 9am – 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays will officially open for the first time on Tuesday, August 17th. Please be looking for directions on how to sign up as we get closer to the launch date. Ms. Heather, our RE:Fuel Coordinator, is excited to meet you all!
Mask Status Update
We continue to work closely with the Ottawa County Health Department and area school leaders regarding Covid-19 protocols. Today, masks are recommended making mask-wearing optional. Should the “recommended” language change to “required” we will need to follow that guidance and require masks be worn while on campus. We will absolutely keep you updated as we receive guidance.