Happy Spring Break!
We hope you have a relaxing, restful and fun week. Looking forward to seeing all of you when school resumes on Monday, April 8th.
Fun at iCademy This Week…
Welcome Dr. Pepper Tortellini Kermit The First!
Our friends in Re:Fuel have adopted a Hermit Crab and are looking forward to all sorts of fun adventures with DPTKTF!
Our Middle School Friends had a fantastic time as they enjoyed a synergy session at Detroit Museum this week!
Mark Your Calendar, Please…
April 8th – Total Solar Eclipse!
The eclipse is approaching quickly! By now, you have probably heard all about the opportunity to view the eclipse along its path in the US. Here in Ottawa County we will have approximately 90% coverage right around 3:11pm. Below are some things to consider.
Why is this such a big deal?
Total solar eclipses are actually pretty common; there is one about every 18 months. However, they are rarely visible in the same place repeatedly (about every 330 years), which makes this a special event. A solar eclipse is when the moon is situated between the sun and the Earth in space, so it appears that the moon is blocking the sun’s rays from our point of view here on Earth. It gets dark, and strange things happen during a total solar eclipse too. Animal behavior often changes, and we can sometimes see planets and comets during the daytime. On April 8, we might be able to see Venus and Jupiter in the sky, as well as a passing comet called the Pons-Brooks Comet. The next total solar eclipse is not until 2044 in the Northern Hemisphere.
Safety First – PLEASE READ!
The event is scheduled to start with a partial eclipse beginning about 1:55p, 90% coverage of the sun at 3:11p, and then turn back into a partial eclipse until 4:24pm. Please consider the safety information below:
- Pinhole viewers are encouraged to view the eclipse in shadow form if glasses are unavailable
- Colanders can also be used to view the eclipse
- Find a family with a telescope with a solar filter
Important Testing Tips
Re:FUEL Hours For Testing
Re:FUEL will be open for our middle/high school friends, as normal, throughout the testing window. Enjoy!
K/5 – We Need Your Help!
We are currently looking for help with career exploration…We are looking for parents, family members, neighbors, friends, etc. who would be willing to join a Homeroom live lesson and chat with our students about their career. If you are interested in sharing with our K5 students, please fill out the K5 Career Exploration form here: https://forms.gle/UPhHwHYjSMDwB6iRA .
Calendar for ’24/’25 School Year
Our first day of school and orientation will be happening on Monday, August 5th! Many more details to come later this spring!
March Lunch Menu
Mandatory Spring Assessments Dates – IN PERSON – 3rd – 11th Grades
While many more details will be released as testing dates get closer, please begin making arrangements for your child(ren) to attend the following Michigan mandatory in-person testing events:
- Wednesday, April 10th – 8th and 10th graders will take the PSAT @ Community Reformed Church in Zeeland – 10376 Felch St, Zeeland
- Wednesday, April 10th – 11th graders will take the SAT @ Community Reformed Church in Zeeland – 10376 Felch St, Zeeland
- Thursday, April 11th – 9th graders will take the PSAT @ Community Reformed Church in Zeeland – 10376 Felch St, Zeeland
- Thursday, April 11th – 11th graders will take the ACT Work Keys @ Community Reformed Church in Zeeland – 10376 Felch St, Zeeland
- Tuesday, April 16th – 3rd – 5th graders will take the Reading and Math MSTEP Tests @ Homestead Campus – 8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland
- Wednesday, April 17th – 5th graders will continue to take the Science & Social Studies MSTEP Tests @ Homestead Campus – 8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland
- Thursday, April 18th – 6th, 7th & 8th graders will take the MSTEP @ Homestead Campus – 8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland
- Thursday, May 2nd – 11th graders will take the MSTEP @ Homestead Campus – 8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland
Girls Who Code FREE Summer Programs – 9th – 12th Graders
Choose from an in person immersion program or a self-paced all on line program. Each free program will develop the skills, network and community you need to change the world. Interested in enrolling? Please click on THIS LINK. Early decision on Feb 14th and Regular decision on March 22nd.
’23-’24 iCademy Family Resource Guide
If you’ve not already done so, please read through the iCademy Family Resource Guide for this year so that you are familiar with daily life at iCademy. As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach