Frequently Asked Questions

Where is iCademy Global Located?

iCademy Global is available to any Michigan resident, regardless of where they live in the state. Our headquarters are located in Zeeland, Michigan, at the Homestead campus, where we have a coffee shop; RE:FUEL available to our students in grades 6-12th. Homestead Campus is also home to Protege’ Game Studios; leaders in mobile game, 3D animation and website design courses and education for students. Although we are located in Michigan right now, the vision for our school is to become global in the years to come.


What does the calendar for the 2024 School Year Look Like?

iCademy Global functions on a balanced calendar where students begin August 3rd and end on June 21st. The weeks in between are strung together in approximately 6 week chunks with a one week break in between sessions. iCademy Global shares the same spring break and Christmas Break as schools in Ottawa County.


What does it cost to attend iCademy Global?

Nothing! iCademy Global is a TUITION FREE public school academy.


Do I need to purchase a computer for my child to use while attending iCademy Global?

No. We loan your student a school-issued learning device for the duration of the time your child is a student with us at iCademy Global. There will be a cost for instances in which we would need to repair or replace the device. We also provide instruction on the care and the keeping of the device.


What does the schedule look like for my child?

First and foremost, please plan on 4-6 hours of school work each day. One of the top reasons so many families are considering an online education is flexibility. Maybe the grown ups at home travel for work and would like the family to join them; perhaps a family would like to schedule dance and piano lessons during the day rather than over-committing the few evening hours available to the family. If you can identify with these feelings – or have other circumstances that demand flexibility – you should know that you’re not alone in wanting more choices for your kids. There are required Live Lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays for students, but all other time is flexible as long as assignment due dates are met within each course.

K – 2nd – 100% Virtual Elementary Live Lesson Schedule

3rd – 5th – 100% Virtual Elementary Live Lesson Schedule

6th Grade Live Lesson Schedule

7th Grade Live Lesson Schedule

8th Grade Live Lesson Schedule

High School Live Lesson Schedule


Does your school offer special education services?

Yes. We have special education teachers on staff at iCademy Global who ensure that we work toward meeting the goals and objectives outlined in a student’s individual education plan. For additional therapy services, we contract with outside companies, as needed.


How do students connect with teachers?

There are many options for students to connect with teachers and mentors; phone, Zoom, email and face-to-face meetings. Students can connect with their teachers, often!


What is a teacher?

A teacher is a Michigan-certified educator with a major or endorsement in a particular content area. For K-5, a student’s teacher is their mentor too!


What is a learning coach?

A learning coach is the adult that works with your child at home. This could be a parent, grandparent or caregiver who checks a student’s progress and, at elementary level, guides them through lessons working side by side each day. At middle and high school,  generally the learning coach checks in with the student at least one time each day, if not more, to make sure all assignments are being completed and student is reaching out, as needed, with any questions.

What is a mentor?

A mentor coordinates a student’s schedule, transitions into online learning and serves as a liaison for the family. You will connect with your mentor on a regular basis.


How many hours will my student devote to “doing school” each day?

Typical learning time is 6 hours each day, including online instruction and independent work. For students in grades K-5, much of their learning is done through guided activities and hands-on materials that they receive. The curriculum and style is very much like a supported-homeschool situation; side-by-side instruction from at home grown ups and teachers. As students progress through middle and high school, their online learning time increases.


What is RE:FUEL time for students in grades 6th-12th?

The purpose of the RE:FUEL time is to provide a quiet environment that promotes education and social interaction for students in grades 6th – 12th. Re:Fuel is typically open from 9am – 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


What are Synergy Sessions?

Synergy Sessions are off campus adventures for our students during each 6 week session. Sometimes students meet to do a stewardship project together, visit a local business to learn more, or meet to enjoy a new park, museum or other venue. It’s an opportunity for students to socialize and learn together with other iCademy students and staff members OUTSIDE of their time doing school.


What sort of extracurriculars do you offer?

iCademy offers extracurricular options both on-site and virtually. Students can participate in an on-site robotics team or join one of nearly a dozen virtual club offerings. Some of our past offerings for middle and high school students have included: Drawing, Yearbook/Digital Photography, Dungeons and Dragons, Art Club, Music Club and Cooking/Baking.


How Can I Find Out About Daily Life At iCademy Global?

Taking a peek at our FAMILY RESOURCE GUIDE 23-24 will help shed light on what life is like on a daily basis at iCademy Global as well as help you become familiar with policies and procedures.

Tour Our School Virtually

Take a 3D walk through our Zeeland, MI Homestead Campus