iCademy Student Spotlight: Zane Campbell

Aug 18, 2021Blog, Spotlights

Having just finished 3rd grade, Zane has been an iCademy Global student since the very beginning of his school career! At school, he loves his math Live Lessons and reading in Lexia, one of our digital learning tools.

Outside of class, Zane trains hard in taekwondo, having recently earned his Jr. Black Belt. He also enjoys cosplay and pretending with his friends. Between using Zoom and attending our Outdoor Discovery Center (ODC) Community Connection Class, Zane is able to stay social with school friends that he shares interests with.

Overall, Zane says he’d recommend iCademy to other students. He loves that he can complete schoolwork outside, and our Synergy Sessions make it fun and easy to stay connected to the iCademy Global community.

If he could give advice to an incoming iCademy student, Zane would tell them to “stay on-task and just keep moving forward!”