Teacher Feature: Ms. Kristina, Social Worker

Nov 15, 2021Blog, Spotlights

Ms. Kristina began working at iCademy as our first on-staff social worker nearly 7 years ago after spending 16 years as a social worker. While she used to work with both our Innocademy and virtual students, she now solely works with our iCademy students, providing social work services for our K-12 students and acting as a school counselor for our K-8 students.

As a social worker, what types of services do you provide for students?

I provide social work services to students with IEPs, or Individualized Education Plans. That basically means that if a student needs special accommodations to get a proper education at iCademy—for example, if they have a learning disability, a health impairment, a social disability, etc.—they can go through an evaluation process to determine what those needs are.

Based on their evaluation, I work to support their social, emotional and behavioral growth, which is entirely unique and depends on each students’ needs. We’ll work together to set goals to overcome their issues, and we can set intermittent or regular meetings to talk about how to get them closer to their goal. Depending on the circumstances, I work with students one-on-one or in small groups.

What kind of counseling services can students come to you for?

Any K-8 students can work with me to get enrolled in their courses, but I can also help the kids explore different career options. I work with students to ensure they have what they need to be successful, and if any students are struggling with engagement, I can work with them to get back on track.

What’s your favorite thing about being iCademy’s social worker?

I absolutely value the level of collaboration as a staff, but the privilege I have of getting to know the students and their families is like none other. It’s absolutely life-changing. I’ve learned so much from my students, and watching them grow is absolutely amazing. Nothing compares to the feeling of helping these students grow as academics and individuals.

What’s one thing you wish all iCademy parents knew about what you do?

It may seem obvious, but I really am here to help. I wish all parents knew that they could reach out if they have a concern about their student, or for any reason. They can always reach out and ask, and I’m there to support them and their students. Their education is delivered at home, and what’s happening at home is just as important as what’s happening at school.

If you could give current or potential iCademy students one piece of advice, what would it be?

Reach out, reach out, reach out! It can be a big change to switch from brick-and-mortar school to iCademy, but the whole staff is there to help you succeed. They’re there, they’re accessible, and they aren’t intimidating, but they can’t help unless you let them know something’s going on.

What do you do for fun outside of iCademy?

I love to read and knit, and I especially love spending time with my friends and family. We could be chatting on the front porch or spending the day at the beach, it doesn’t matter to me as long as we’re together. I also love to travel, especially to tropical locations with beaches, but I’ll never turn down the chance to explore cities and places with a lot of cultural history.