December 10, 2021

Dec 11, 2021Newsletter



Thank you so much for your generosity in making Christmas brighter for all of our Angel Tree Families at IES this year! Simply amazing and “thank you” doesn’t quite cover it.



December’s wellness topic is Get Outside: the benefits of spending time outside in nature

Menu Change for Tuesday, December 14th

Next Tuesday, December 14 will be Mozzarella Pizza Crunchers instead of Bosco sticks.

Survey – Please complete by Monday, Dec 13th at 11:59pm

As part of the American Rescue Plan, federal dollars have been set aside for schools to address and respond to the Covid pandemic. We have another round of money becoming available over the next several years called ESSER III funds, and we want to gather feedback from our stakeholders. 

We will share the feedback before break. More importantly, as we develop our budget, which is part of the application process, we will consider our stakeholders’ feedback. 

Please take a few minutes to read through the survey and answer the questions. We ask that it is completed by Monday, December 13th, evening. The survey can be found HERE

Thank you for your time! 

Usborne Book Fair – Next Week!

Are you a last minute shopper? Be sure to check out the $5/$10 Bookfair through Usborne Books & More next week! Shop Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30-11:30 or 1-4. Chapter books, storybooks, activity books and so much more!


Middle School Elective Choices

Middle Schoolers – Please take a look at these elective choices for second semester =)

Daycare Staff – Help Wanted

We are looking for additional team members to join our Daycare Team.  This position would work 1 – 2 days per week during weeks school is in session.  The Daycare team provides care to the children of our staff members.  The kids range from 12 weeks old to 5 years old.  Providing a nurturing environment for these little ones while mom/dad is working is the key to this role.  Responsibilities include caring for kids, feeding them, bringing them outside for playtime, etc.

Interested? Please reach out to Sara at

Planning To Go To College?

Are you planning on going to college next year? Are you not sure you want to go to college but are considering? Are you a parent of a 9th, 10th, or 11th grader and want to know this info now? If you answered yes to any of these questions or you are just curious to know the process of applying to college, types of financial aid and how to get them, completing the FAFSA form, scholarship info, and more come to the College Info Night December 7th at 6pm using this link. If you plan on coming, let Ms. Laura know and she will send you an invite directly and answer any specific information you are looking to have! See you there!

Bittersweet Ski Club Passes Are HERE!

We are again offering Bittersweet Ski Passes for students (7 + years) and their families (extended families and friends, too! Open to anyone!) through Innocademy and iCademy Global.

Ski passes are a great opportunity for folks to purchase a pass ($27) that acts as a coupon throughout the season, reducing the prices on lift tickets, helmets, and rentals. The pass can be used, repeatedly, at any time throughout the ski season (please read the restrictions on timeframe and days as well as black out holidays), by the pass holder! ANYONE can be part of the ski club…student, parent, family friend. 
​If you are interested, please… 

  1. Read through the attached information
  2. Fill out the attached form for student and/or adult
  3. Secure in an envelope with payment (checks payable to BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT
  5. Return to campus. If you would like to mail the forms and payment via US mail, that is great, too! Please use the information, below:

Attn: Leisa Lobbezoo – Ski Club, iCademy Global, 8485 Homestead Drive, Zeeland, MI 49464

Once we receive the application and payment, there is usually about a 14 school day turnaround for your information to be processed at Bittersweet and passes to be issued so please plan ahead. =)

Just in case you were wondering, “Hmmm…what does Bittersweet usually charge for lift tickets and rentals?”

WITH SKI CLUB PASSES ($27 each pass – every skier must have one to receive the discounts.)

Adult (anyone not still in high school)

  • $31 lift ticket
  • $31 Rentals
  • $10 helmet

Student (7 years old and older)

  • $27 lift ticket
  • $27 rentals
  • $10 helmet rental 
  • + 2 FREE Lessons or NASTAR run 


Inclement Weather Notices – NO “SNOW DAYS” FOR ICADEMY STUDENTS =)

Wintery weather is just around the corner – ick!

One of the great things about iCademy is that no matter the weather, our students can KEEP ON LEARNING FROM HOME! Live lessons will continue and teachers will be available, as normal, on those days where the weather outside is frightful and our campus is closed!

If you are a student who comes to campus for Re:Fuel or the Elementary Hybrid Program on Tuesdays/Thursdays and the weather looks iffy, you will want to make sure to check if we are open before making the trek to campus. Our physical location in Zeeland will always follow Zeeland Public Schools weather delays and closings. If there is an AM delay, campus will be open beginning at 11:00am, instead of 9:00am. Again, all regularly scheduled learning will ALWAYS continue from home – – including assignment due dates and live lessons, no matter the weather!

You can find out if Homestead Campus is closed or delayed through the following methods:

  • iCademy Parent Facebook Page (join this if you haven’t already =)
  • Check your email inbox for an email from Leisa Lobbezoo
  • Check WZZM 13
  • Check WOOD TV8

Follow Us on Facebook

Feel free to join us at our public page iCademy Global as well as our iCademy Parent Group Page.

I Have a Tech Problem – What Do I Do?

Please direct all of your technology issues to our technology coordinator, Ms. Robyn at

and she will be happy to help you as quickly as she can.

iCademy School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year

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