
February 11th, 2022

Feb 11, 2022Newsletter


We wish you a wonderful, relaxing, restful break week!

See everyone on Monday, February 21st!

Lunch Hero Needed!

Want a change of scenery? Live locally? Come be a lunch hero on campus!  We are looking for 1-2 more folks to complete our team to work 3-5 days per week.  This is the best job to come to work with your kiddos! Plus serving the Inno and iCademy students is so fun and rewarding!

 Hours start as early as 8:30 up to 10:00 to start, with ending times around 2:45 ish…We will do our most to work around your schedule.   Come work with Sarah and Amy, fun moms of Innocademy students, preparing healthy lunches for our students.  Great part-time job for parents, grandparents,  aunts, and uncles…Please send interest to nmichaels@hollandchristian.org with questions.  

Conferences – Feb 23rd and 24th

As a reminder, Spring Conferences will be happening the week we come back from break week. We are excited to meet with you to chat about your amazing kiddos! If you don’t have something scheduled with your child’s mentor/teacher yet, please be on the lookout for that information when we return.


RE:FUEL Febrary Fun!

Drop by for some fun this month in Re:Fuel! Ms. Heather has a ton of exciting activities planned for our middle/high school friends!

Go Orange!

RE:Fuel has been highlighting Kid’s Food Basket for our Stewardship project this year. We will be having a special guest on Feb 25th. They will talk with students about the “Go Orange!” initiative. At Kid’s Food Basket, the month of March is dedicated to Go Orange!, in honor of National Nutrition Month and representing hunger awareness with the color orange. CHECK OUT THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE!

Crusader Toss – Feb 26th

As you may know, Corpus Christi is our Innocademy/iCademy partner for Middle School sports. If you are interested in helping support the athletic program, please consider attending their fundraiser on February 26th.

A Message From Ms. Laura – Careerline Tech Center

As we look ahead to starting a new semester, as a current 10th and 11th grader, you may also be thinking about going to the Careerline Tech Center next school year as an 11th and 12th grader! Good news ~ the CTC application is now open!

Here are some links as you consider this opportunity:

CTC General Overview Video- https://youtu.be/FwWEkbvFj8A

Interactive Virtual Tour – https://247virtualtours.com/326-careerline-tech-center-main-building-tour

Programs by Pathway – https://www.oaisd.org/ctc/programs/programsbycareerpathways/

Videos of each program – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvYPEdCWB5LIa69P8phxaAfVW8dtK8n9s

Open Enrollment Information – https://www.oaisd.org/ctc/studentservices/enrollment/ –  follow the step by step instructions, and be in touch if you have questions at any point

Here are a few important iCademy specific notes:

  • make an appointment (https://calendly.com/mrslauraverkaik/30min) with me to see how it could fit into your overall graduation plan and career goals
  • please request a PM program especially if you will be an 11th grader so you can attend Live Lessons at iCademy
  • when you complete the application, save it as a PDF and send it to me laura.verkaik@icademyglobal.org
  • you do not need to submit proof of residency, guardianship, or birth certificate since you are our student and I submit this information directly to CTC
  • it is best to apply early, but the deadline is Friday February 11th (just before the February break week)
  • if you live in a county other than Ottawa but can attend in person everyday, you are able to apply

Checking Your Child’s Grades

As we launch this second semester, please make a regular habit of checking your child’s current grades through their iCademy Portal, located under the Portal Icon on their computer’s desktop. You can also see their attendance in Live Lessons and how often they communicate with their teachers. When you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher/mentor – – this never has to wait for parent/teacher conference time! Our staff is available to you anytime you wish to connect!

February Lunch Menu

Spring Conferences – Date Change

Our spring conferences will be held on February 23rd and February 24th. Please watch for more details as we get closer.

Middle School Capstone Trip

Mammoth Caves and Smokey Mtns here we come! See attachment for more information! 

SIGN UP HERE to receive more details and reserve your spot:

Who:All 6th – 8th grade students and their guardians are welcome to attend the Middle School Capstone Trip. 

When:Friday May 20th to Tuesday May 24th

Cost$600 per person – This includes all of their expenses for Mammoth Cave Tour, Mountain Tour, City Experience and White Water Rafting. It also includes all of their meals, travel expenses and room and board for the entire trip. It does not cover souvenir expenses or extra snack costs, but as a snacker myself – I will have some to share! We will have the final cost with a first deposit right after Christmas Break, if you have questions or concerns about the cost or deadlines please let me know, we hope all can join us.

Every Student does have a chance to deposit $300 – $600 of that already into their travel account by electing Community Passport Travel, contact Tyler.huizenga@icademyglobal.org with questions.

We have a couple more fundraising events planned, but please start to save up those pop cans, rack those leaves and shovel those drive ways. The next Fundraising event is near Christmas and more information to come about how to sign up. 

iCademy Calendar for 21/22 School Year

iCademy Family Resource Guide

Please click on THIS LINK to view the Family Resource Guide for the 21/22 School Year.