
October 23, 2021

Oct 23, 2021Newsletter

We hope you had a fantastic break week! We are looking forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday!


Virtual Clubs Are Back!

We are excited to start iCademy Global Clubs again this year! This is a great opportunity for students to build a community around some fun and passionate interests. These clubs are based virtually in Zoom, but have some opportunities to meet up. Starting after break week all Middle and High School Students will have the opportunity (not required) to sign up for a Club of their interest. Clubs will be led by an iCademy Teacher and have no cost for students, well unless they want to join the cooking club and make some amazing treats at home for you! After Break Week students will be learning more about what the club offerings are, who will be leading them and what the time commitment looks like for them. Please email kate.meengs@icademyglobal.org or Bethany.redeker@icademyglobal.org with any questions.

Angel Tree

As an IES family we value all the members of our community and have a heart to give to those who are struggling. Because of living amidst a pandemic, and with the Holiday season approaching, we know that there are many people who may need assistance in one way or another.

If you are an Innocademy Zeeland, Innocademy Allegan, iCademy Global, Precademy or Las Huellas family and you need help with food/gas/clothes/gifts/etc. OR if you know of an IES family in need, please reach out to Deedee DeFrell at ddefrell@gmail.com by Friday, November 5th and she will send you a form to collect your information.

All names will be kept confidential.


The Michigan Department of Education has put together some great resources on how to read your child’s most recent MSTEP scores. You can take a look at those by clicking on THIS LINK to be directed to the page.

October Wellness Information – Managing Stress

Our focus for October is Managing Stress. What can we do as parents to help our students with this important life skill. Please check out the information HERE to find out, more.

Scrip Fundraising – Available All Year!

We are continuing to use SCRIP to raise funds for student travel? If you’re unsure what Scrip is, you can find more information in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su3W2P7eFxE Please connect wtih Ms. Jody at jody.voss@innocademy.com with any questions.

Are You SENIOR This Year? FASFA Workshop Night – This TUESDAY, October 26th

Plan to join us to work through your family FASFA application. Ms. Laura, our counselor, will be available to help answer questions and be your cheerleader as you work through this document. Please make sure to create an account for you and your child prior to the workshop night. More details to come, soon!


October Lunch Menu


Is Your Student Sick? Should They Come To Campus? Please Follow This Flowchart

You can also use this super helpful INTERACTIVE FLOWCHART, if you prefer

Follow Us on Facebook

Feel free to join us at our public page iCademy Global as well as our iCademy Parent Group Page.

I Have a Tech Problem – What Do I Do?

Please direct all of your technology issues to our technology coordinator, Ms. Robyn at robyn.parks@icademyglobal.org

and she will be happy to help you as quickly as she can.

iCademy School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year

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