iCademy Family Climate Survey – Please Complete By October 15th.
It is already October and we are well into the start of the school year. In an effort to celebrate what has gone well so far this year and areas we can continue to grow, we are seeking your input. Each fall we collect family, student, and staff perception data. The data is compiled and used to develop our School Improvement Plan. Your participation has a direct impact on our school-wide goals and measurable outcomes.
Please fill out the Family Perception survey by Friday, Oct. 15th. Your input is important to us and we look forward to learning from you the success and challenges you have noticed this year.
Drawing for a $25 gift card from all who participate! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
REMINDER Middle/High School Science Sampling Day – Happening Thursday – It’s Not Too Late To Sign Up!
Join Mr. Reid and Mr. Andy on a nature adventure! The END IN MIND is that all students will have the opportunity to explore their communities – either with us for Science Day or on their own in their own communities. Science day is on Thursday October 14th at the Macatawa Nature Area (East Side of the Park off 84th Street). This has been a fun day in the past to be outside, explore our this amazing world and have some fun! We will have microscopes, nets, waders, fishing gear, and more awesome science stuff to help us. Students will have a project in Science that week to go outside and sample and document species. If you are unable to join – we hope that you find a location close to you that can be suitable for sampling – a park, school, or front or back yard! More information in the document attached. Students will be learning about this fun day and how this looks in your community more in class next week and we can answer any questions they might have.
Sign up here to participate
Fall Fundraiser For Student Travel!
We are so excited to get back to raising funds for student travel this school year. On Monday 10/11/2021 we will launch our first fall fundraiser, Biggby Coupon Cards. Attached you will find details, and an order form. Biggby Coupon Cards will be available for pick up 10/12 and 10/14 from 9-3:00 in ReFuel as well as an order form. If you don’t live near campus, feel free to drop Ms. Mandy an email and we are happy work together to get those coupon books in your hands.
Did you also know we are continuing to use SCRIP to raise funds for student travel? If you’re unsure what Scrip is, you can find more information in this video:

Details specific to fundraising with iCademy/Innocadmy are available here:
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ms. Mandy if you have any questions:

Book Fair Open This Week – Volunteers Needed
There’s still time to sign up to volunteer to help set up, clean up or work during the book fair being held on campus this week. Please click on THIS LINK to sign up.
Book Fair Flyer and Online Ordering
To get a sneak peek of items being offered at the book fair, you may click on this link:
There will also be an option for oline ordering Oct. 11-24th. Please keep an eye on your email this week for more information.
Are You SENIOR This Year? FASFA Workshop Night – October 26th
Plan to join us to work through your family FASFA application. Ms. Laura, our counselor, will be available to help answer questions and be your cheerleader as you work through this document. Please make sure to create an account for you and your child prior to the workshop night. More details to come, soon!
Hand 2 Hand
Once again we’ll be offering Hand2Hand food bags to any families who request them. Any forms returned by Tuesday can begin receiving food this week Thursday. Please read through the letter to learn how it works. Basically, this is what you need to know:
- Bags are delivered by lunchtime each Thursday and will be held at the front desk for pick up.
- If it’s break week, kids get two bags the Thursday before
- Bag is intended to be some weekend food for the student
- Vertical Church in Zeeland has made it their ministry to pack and deliver these, so big thanks to them!
- No qualifications—all you have to do is return the form found at the link, below
October Lunch Menu

Mask Update – October 1st
There has been activity at the State level these past couple of days with the Governor’s signing of the budget. The budget contained language surrounding mask orders and funding for local health departments. This caused some counties to rescind their mandatory mask orders for children ages 5-11.
The current mask mandate issued by the Ottawa County Health Officer remains in effect until it expires by its own terms (60 days after a vaccine is available for those under 12 or the infection rate drops into the “low range”). |
You can read the press release the Ottawa County Health Department released yesterday, in its entirety:
To further clarify, this means that at Homestead Campus we will operate as we have been since the inception of the order; requiring cloth or paper face-coverings for all students, staff, and visitors until the order expires.
Thank you for your continued patience, support, and understanding.
Is Your Student Sick? Should They Come To Campus? Please Follow This Flowchart
You can also use this super helpful INTERACTIVE FLOWCHART, if you prefer

Follow Us on Facebook
Feel free to join us at our public page iCademy Global as well as our iCademy Parent Group Page.
I Have a Tech Problem – What Do I Do?
Please direct all of your technology issues to our technology coordinator, Ms. Robyn at
and she will be happy to help you as quickly as she can.
iCademy School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year