September 23, 2019

Sep 22, 2019Newsletter

Mr. Mike and the rest of the iCademy Staff have got some FUN stuff coming your way! Stay tuned!

We had a great time visiting Crane’s Apple Orchard with our families last week. Mr. Andy even had the opportunity to talk to the owner of the farm who shared with us all about what it takes to cultivate an orchard!

Ms. Michelle interviewed the owner of the Critter Barn last week. We learned all about how Critter Barn was born and grown over the last 30 years!

*NEW Information

Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder that this week Tuesday, September 24th and Thursday, September 26th we will be hosting virtual student/parent/teacher conferences online. No need to travel to campus to meet as your teachers will be greeting you through Zoom.

K-5 families will be meeting during their normal conference times. If you are the parent of a middle or high school student and you haven’t yet signed up for a time with your child’s mentor, please do so at the links, below:

HIGH SCHOOL SIGN UPS: Ms. Mandy – 9th Graders, Mr. Reid – 10th Graders, Ms. Janece – 11th Graders, Ms. Amy 12th Graders, Ms. Leisa – If your child meets with her each week, please sign up on her schedule rather than the grade level mentor teacher =).


Ryan (8th Graders) –

Michelle (6th Graders)

Andy (7th Graders)

What Parents Need To Know – E Cigarettes and Vaping

The Ottawa County Health Department is urging parents to please take a peek at the important information contained within the link, below:

* Old Info – In Case You Missed it =).


When visiting Homestead Campus, PLEASE do not park in the parking spaces next to the building unless you have a handicapped sticker/pass. We have families who are in that situation and need to utilize those spots. Thank you.

Welcome Deputy Jon!

We are thrilled to welcome Deputy Jon to the Zeeland Police force and to Homestead Campus! Deputy Jon hopes to be on campus several times a week to get to know students, staff and families. Please introduce yourselves if you see him!

September Lunch Menu – Price Increase

As noted on the updated September lunch menu, below, the price for student hot lunch has increased from $2.60 to $2.70 for this year. Please use this new price when sending in money or depositing funds online for your student. Thank you.

Homestead Campus – Smoke/Tobacco/Vape Free

Just a reminder that no smoking/vaping/tobacco products should be used anywhere while onsite at Homestead Campus. This includes the playground and parking lots as well. Thank you.


Does your child plan to attend any onsite time at iCademy Global this year? For those families who have a child with a medical concern (ie. Bee allergy, peanut allergy, asthma…) it is important that a copy of their Emergency Action Plan/Asthma Action Plan is on file.  Please complete the attached documents and return them by August 30th.  Thank you!

What’s Parent Portal?

In order to receive updated training videos and to access your student accounts, you can always log into the icademy portal located on your student’s desktop or found at the link, below:

Live Lesson Schedules

iCademyGlobal.Org Website

If you are ever lost – – or at another computer and would like to login to the Orientation section where you will find all of the videos, your coursework OR your parent portal, you are able to do so with one simple click!

At the very top of the website found at, you will see “Student Portal”

This “Student Portal” is where you will find your orientation information and be able to login to view any videos you wish! Pssst… this is great for parents, too! It’s always a GREAT place to start if you are rusty on how to do something. =) Simply login with your and your password

If you are a parent and are hoping to quick take a peek at how your student is doing for the day finishing his/her assignments, you can click on the “Parent Portal” link. Psst….this also works if you are a student working on a different device for the day. Simply click on the link and login as you always do =).

The login screen may look like this…

Or it may look like this. Either screen will get you to your course content or parent observer account. Remember, username is firstname.lastname and your password.

19-20 School Calendar