September 24, 2021

Sep 25, 2021Newsletter


High School Synergy Session – Art Prize on Friday

We are so excited to explore Art Prize in Grand Rapids with our high school students (families are welcome, too!)

Unfortunately, we will be unable to transport students to/from this field experience.

We will be meeting at 10am at the GVSU LV Eberhard Center just west of the Blue Bridge (look for the iCademy logo on the map, below). We will return to that location right around 1pm

The Blue Bridge is situated just south of the Grand Rapids Public Museum.

There is some on-street meter parking, available as well as nearby parking lots at an additional cost.
Please bring a lunch to enjoy with our group.

If you will be attending, individually, or with some family members, please use THIS LINK TO SIGN UP

Substitute Day Care Help Needed

We are looking for substitutes to join our Daycare Team.  This position would work on an as-needed basis when our other daycare staff is not available to work.  The Daycare team provides care to our staff’s children.  The kids range from 12 weeks old to 5 years old.  Providing a nurturing environment for these little ones while mom/dad is working is the key to this role.  Responsibilities include caring for kids, feeding them, bringing them outside for playtime, etc.

Please email Sara in Human Resources if you are interested in more information on this position – her email is

Hand 2 Hand

Once again we’ll be offering Hand2Hand food bags to any families who request them.  Any forms returned by Tuesday can begin receiving food this week Thursday. Please read through the letter to learn how it works.  Basically, this is what you need to know:

  • Bags are delivered by lunchtime each Thursday and will be held at the front desk for pick up.
  • If it’s break week, kids get two bags the Thursday before
  • Bag is intended to be some weekend food for the student
  • Vertical Church in Zeeland has made it their ministry to pack and deliver these, so big thanks to them!
  • No qualifications—all you have to do is return the form found at the link, below

Breakfast/Lunch Changes – Supply Issues

As our friends at South Haven so beautifully put things…

As we continue through the school year, we are committed to providing healthy, wholesome meals to our students each day. As with many districts locally and across the nation, we are facing extraordinary issues with food supply chains. While our food service department is diligent in ordering needed items, oftentimes of late, the fulfillment of those orders is unpredictable with missing products. We are actively working with our distributors and vendors to secure food items and supplies that best serve our students and maintain the integrity of our nutrition programs. Unfortunately, due to delivery schedules, when shortages occur, our kitchens have little to no notice. Because school food programs are highly regulated, the amount and type of food we are allowed to store (even frozen) is limited, so we cannot “stock up” to help alleviate some of these shortages.
While it is our intention to serve the posted menu each day, supply issues may cause variances in our menus until this is resolved. As you know, the supply chain is affected by many factors, from weather and transportation to labor shortages across the country. We will make every effort to substitute a similar item as often as possible.
Please know that your student’s health, safety, and wellbeing are our top priorities. 

Book Fair – Mark Your Calendars

We are excited to host the Scholastic Book Fair beginning October 11th. The fair will be open for shopping from Oct 12th – October 14th on campus. There will also be an opportunity to purchase books, online. More details coming, soon!


Synergy Session for Middle/High School Students– September 30th – On Campus-1:00-3:00 (open house style) 

All Middle and High Students are welcome to come to Re:Fuel to hang out, check out the Re:Fuel space, play outside games, win some swag and eat ice cream! This is a great way to connect with students (and maybe a few teachers) you’ve been doing class with the last few weeks. No need to sign up- just come if it works for you! Any questions reach out to Ms. Heather on Zoom or email.

RE:Fuel is open for all middle/high school students on Tuesday and Thursday from 9am – 3pm. The purpose of Re:Fuel is to offer a space for Middle and High school students to be engaged with their learning and each other. You can come for an hour, the whole day or not at all! The RE:Fuel Coffee shop is up and running for teachers and students! We have students who have been trained to help run the coffee shop.  Purchases can be made with cash only at this time. 

HOW DO I SIGN UP? (Remember, you will see the sign up appear FRIDAY 12:00 PM-MONDAY 5:00 pm)

  1. Login to your iCademy Student Portal: iCademy Portal
  2. Look for the “RE:Fuel Sign-Up” below the “Apps” section
  3. You can sign-up for breakfast and lunch at this time

If you have any questions or have any issues with sign up now or throughout the year, please reach out to me at or your child can reach me on Zoom!

Mask Clarification for Those Spending Time On Campus

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep students learning in person by complying with the Ottawa County Mask Order issued a couple of weeks, ago.

Some folks have had questions on what constitutes an acceptable face covering. Please see the information, below, from the Ottawa County Health Department website regarding masks.

Our front desk is happy to help by supplying a paper or cloth mask to anyone in need.

Wellness Corner 

September’s Focus: Healthy Use of Technology 

This month, we’re looking at a topic that is particularly
important to us at iCademy. Being a virtual school, we already
have a lot of screen time built into our day-to-day lives, while
also relying so much on technology to socialize, communicate, and be entertained. Finding a healthy balance and setting boundaries is vital in the well-being of our students. Let’s talk about things to consider when trying to establish and maintain a habit of using technology in a healthy way! 

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) reports that students aged 8-18 spend an average of 6-9 hours in front of a screen. Too much screen time can cause problems with behavior, attention, and sleep for kids, as well as potentially add to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics has some recommendations for screen time for kids 5 and younger (0-18 months: none, 18-24: minimal and co-view, and 2-5 years: 1 hour). However, for kids 6 and older they recommend “placing consistent limits on the time spent using media, and the types of media, and make sure media does not take the place of adequate sleep, physical activity, and other behaviors essential to health”. Without clear recommendations, setting limits can be tough!
Some helpful things to consider: 

  • –  Sleep is essential and kids should be getting 8-12 hours a night 
  • –  In-person interaction cannot be replaced with socializing on screens- be intentional with ensuring
    these opportunities for kids 
  • –  Kids should be getting 60 minutes of moderate-vigorous physical activity each day 
  • –  Spending time outside has TONS of benefits including reducing stress, improving focus, and improving
    Tips for healthy boundaries with technology: 
  • –  Be the example: be aware of your own habits as a parent
  • –  Have device-free dinners and encourage conversation amongst your family 
  • –  Keep devices out of bedrooms for better sleep 
  • –  Get outside and get active; and take a break from devices while you’re at it! 
  • –  Safety first: know who your kids are talking to, what sites and apps they’re using, and teach safe
    habits. is an awesome resource for this. 
  • –  Use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes spent using a screen, look away at something 20 feet away
    for 20 seconds.

    During the month of September we’ll be having conversations with students on this topic- please join us!

Nut Free Campus

REMINDER: We do have students on campus with severe nut allergies. For this reason, we ask that students do not bring any nut products to school for lunch or snacks and refrain from sharing food with their classmates. Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe.

September Lunch Menu

Please see, below for the breakfast/lunch menu for September. You will notice that students at Innocademy have 1/2 day on Friday, September 24th. iCademy students will be able to continue working for the full day =).

Thursday Pizza Lunch – On Campus MS/HS Students

If your student is ordering a second slice of pizza during lunch on Thursdays, that is not included within the free breakfast/lunch federal grant. The cost for an extra slice is $1.50. Please send that money in a labeled envelope with your child’s name so that they can give that to Ms. Stacy. Please do not send loose cash/coins =).

Is Your Student Sick? Should They Come To Campus? Please Follow This Flowchart

You can also use this super helpful INTERACTIVE FLOWCHART, if you prefer

Follow Us on Facebook

Feel free to join us at our public page iCademy Global as well as our iCademy Parent Group Page.

I Have a Tech Problem – What Do I Do?

Please direct all of your technology issues to our technology coordinator, Ms. Robyn at

and she will be happy to help you as quickly as she can.

iCademy School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year

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