
September 4, 2018

Sep 3, 2018Newsletter

Welcome Back!

Mark Your Calendars, Please! NEW items in BOLD=)

  • September 4th – School Resumes at 9am
  • September 6th – Onsite Days Begin for K-5 – Every Thursday from 9am – 3pm
  • October 3rd – State of Michigan Count Day
  • October 12th – October 21st – iCademy Break Week
  • October 22nd – School Resumes
  • November 19th – 25th – iCademy Break Week – Happy Thanksgiving!
  • November 26th – School Resumes
  • December 21st – 1/2 day for students – Break begins at 12:30pm
  • December 24th – January 6th – Holiday Break Weeks
  • January 7th – School Resumes
  • January 18th – All 1st Semester coursework due at 11:59pm
  • January 21st – Records Day for Teachers – No School for Students
  • February 13th – State of Michigan Count Day
  • February 18th – 24th – iCademy Break Week
  • February 25th – School Resumes
  • March 29th – April 7th – iCademy Spring Break
  • April 8th – School Resumes
  • May 8th & 9th – 1/2 Days for Tulip Time – Break begins at 12:30pm
  • May 24th – June 2nd – iCademy Break Week
  • June 3rd – School Resumes
  • June 7th, 14th, 21st – Enjoy your Fridays – No School for Students
  • June 20th – All 2nd Semester coursework due at 11:59pm

NEW Info For This Week!

Innotec Pond Day for MS and HS Students

Sign up, here:  www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EAFA629A3F85-innotec

September Lunch Menu

Inno Homestead Sept 2018

Pizza Extra Slice Price = $1.50

Each day that pizza is on the menu, your student has the opportunity to order two slices or 1. If your child opts for the additional piece of pizza, their lunch account will be charged an additional $1.50. Questions? Please email Nancy at nmccarthy@hollandchristian.org

Observer (Parent) Accounts And Access

Each of you has an observer account so that you can stay connected and informed of your child’s progress with his/her schoolwork. Please take a peek at the short video for more information on how to access. https://youtu.be/qR2F5gYmv60

Don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher/mentor, listed below, with any questions you may ever have.

K/1 – Ms. Deedee – deedee.defrell@icademyglobal.org

2/3 – Ms. Katelyn – katelyn.vandyke@icademyglobal.org

4/5 – Mr. Brett – brett.heppler@icademyglobal.org

6th – Ms. Mellissa – mellissa.zoerhof@icademyglobal.org

7th – Mr. Andy – andy.merideth@icademyglobal.org

8th – Mr. Ryan – ryan.martinez@icademyglobal.org

9th – Ms. Janece – janece.ellers@icademyglobal.org

10th – Mr. Reid – reid.nicholson@icademyglobal.org

11th – Ms. Amy – amy.baragar@icademyglobal.org

12th – Ms. Kris – kris.kennedy@icademyglobal.org

Construction Update

The latest information we have from the Department of Transportation:

On Wednesday 8/29 the intersection of Main Ave, M-121 and I-196 BL will be shut down for reconstruction for approximately 3 weeks. Traffic will detoured via 88th Ave/Fairview, Washington Ave, M-121 and North 84th Ave; posted detours will be in place. Please keep in mind there will still be no left turns allowed on I-196 BL.

IMPORTANT: Attendance Information

Congratulations on completing Session #1 at iCademy Global! It’s been an exciting start to another year helping your child learn and grow! As we know, regular school attendance is extremely important to the overall success of your child. Increasing school attendance can be a very complex issue that requires a team effort and a systematic approach. The collaboration of the community, families, schools, courts and other agencies is essential if we are to increase school attendance. 

iCademy Global, like Ottawa County, believes in the value of regular school attendance and the impact that it has on student achievement and the overall success of each child. We are shifting our mindset away from focusing on whether an absence is excused verses unexcused to focusing on being in school on a regular basis. It is our goal to help provide supports and resources so your child can be engaging in school every day. If you are struggling to get your child to engage in school on a daily basis, please let us know so we can start to collaborate and assist in any way possible. 

Below, you will find the Attendance Policy for Ottawa County; keeping in mind that our goal is regular attendance. The new Attendance Policy was adopted by the County to help provide common language and attendance coding for each district. The policy also clearly defines chronic absenteeism and truancy. Please take note of these definitions as well as the other definitions in the policy. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you to make this a successful school year!

OttawaCounty AttendancePolicy

Annual Asbestos Notification

asbestos notification – iCad

Pesticide Notification

iCademy Pest Management 18-19

FERPA Notification

iCade FERPA 18-19

Old Info…Just in case =)

REMINDER: Free/Reduced Lunch – Please don’t skip this paragraph – – everyone needs to read it! =)

Did you know that our school receives funding for EVERY FAMILY that fills out this confidential, online form regardless of if you qualify or not? For real! Please take a moment and fill out the application at lunchapp.com .Who knows, you may qualify! For school district, select Holland Christian and Innocademy will be listed as a school under that district. Thanks for your help!

Learning Environment Expectations

Please take a moment and watch this 7 minute video from Ms. Mellissa regarding learning environment expectations.


Shopping Amazon? Consider AmazonSmile!

Did you know that for every purchase you make on AmazonSmile, our school receives a donation? That’s right! AmazonSmile works EXACTLY like Amazon. Same great deals and shipping! When you login, be sure to select INNOVATIVE EDUCATION SERVICES as your designated organization and we will receive a percentage of each purchase. Easy!

Family Resource Guide

For all of the information you ever could wish to know about iCademy – – and MORE, please see the Family Resource Guide.  iCademy Family Resource Guide 18-19

K – 5 Arrival/Dismissal – Beginning Sept 6th

Students may arrive each morning at 8:35am. Please do not drop students off earlier. There is no playground supervision prior to 8:35am each day. To help everyone remember the drop off time, there are signs in the drop off area of the parking lot. At 8:35am each morning, our safeties will remove these signs so that you may drop students off.

Dismissal is at 3pm each Thursday. We thank you, in advance, for picking students up on time as Innocademy dismisses its 350 students at 3:30pm each day and we want to be clear of the parking lot before their folks begin lining up each afternoon.

Handicapped Parking Spaces

There are spaces next to the building on each side for those who need them. Unless you have a sticker, mirror tag or license plate indicating a need to park in those spaces, please park in the spaces located in the bigger lot areas – – even if you are intending to only be there for a quick minute. Thank you!

Bringing Lunch From Home?

If you would like your kiddos to bring a lunch to school each day – GREAT! Please know that we are a COMPLETELY NUT FREE CAMPUS. We appreciate your help making sure all of our kiddos are safe. We do have a couple of microwaves available, however, there are often long lines for these. If you do send something to microwave, items that are mostly thawed are much appreciated! 7-8 minute meals should probably be consumed at home, if possible =).

Ordering Hot Lunch?

Students may place their orders for lunch with the teachers each day. Please see attached for the menu for August. You can send cash to school with your kiddos in a labeled envelope or make deposits online at sendmoneytoschool.com . If this is your first time setting up an account for your student, you will need his/her ID number. I’m happy to look that up for you if you shoot me an email request leisa.lobbezoo@icademyglobal.org ! All online deposits through sendmoneytoschool.com are charged a fee.

Hand 2 Hand

Such a great FREE program! If your family is in need of food support, please take a peek at the information and application, below. Backpacks are delivered to campus every Thursday for students to take home for the weekend.

Hand2Hand Food Program

Calendar for 2018-2019 School Year

Please see the attachment for the 18-19 School Year.

iCademy 18-19 Calendar

Live Lesson Schedule

2018-2019 Schedule

Reminder that live lessons happen each Monday and Wednesday of the school year!!

Having Tech Troubles? 

If you are having issues with your computer and need technical assistance, Mr. Kevin, our offsite tech team lead, has said the smoothest way to get solutions in place would be to call 616-502-2572 or 866-629-8005.  support@vectortechgroup.com

Middle School Athletics Available – Sign Up, ASAP!

Innocademy and iCademy Global partner with Corpus Christi Schools for middle school sports! If you are interested in your middle school student participating in athletics, this year, please complete this form, asap so we can determine if we have enough student-athletes for specific teams. https://goo.gl/forms/8Vjq75GFvszyzPD02
Corpus Christi and Innocademy Athletic Partnership
Corpus Christi has an Athletic Partnership with Innocademy. We work together to offer these sport team opportunities that we wouldn’t be able to provide on our own. All Innocademy athletes and coaches need to follow all of the eligibility guidelines and rules of GRACEAC.
Soccer Camp
Soccer camp opportunity for anyone interested in Soccer. Soccer Camp, Saturday, August 11, 9-11am at Corpus Christi School.  A special Thank You to Coach Chris and Coach Andre for running this skill filled camp!
Fall Sports practices can begin the no earlier than the second week of August.  Please get your sports physical and required forms filled out and turned in to your coach, the main office, or to the athletic director.  Forms can be printed below and are also available in the school office. Specific sports events and practice schedules will be emailed out to interested student-athletes. Practices are held at Corpus Christi at 12100 Quincy Street Holland, MI 49424. Each sport has different schedules and coaches will email you the schedules of practices and events.
Documents for Participation: Please print and complete the following documents.  Return them to Mr. Kelly who will keep them on file for the school year.
There will be a signup genius sent out to parents of student-athletes if interested in volunteering to help with concession stands, admissions, scoreboard, or other opportunities that arise.
Corpus Christi belongs to Grand Rapids Area Catholic Elementary Athletic Council (GRACEAC).  The school athletic director attends all GRACEAC meetings. Information regarding GRACEAC and the sports schedules can be found on its website –www.graceac.com Students in grades 5-8 are encouraged to sign up! Corpus Christi’s “no cut” policy gives all athletes an opportunity to improve their skills and contribute to their team.
Physicals/Consent Forms
Corpus Christi requires each student-athlete wishing to participate in a sport to have a sports physical on file at school prior to the first practice with any team and dated no earlier than April 15 of the prior school year.  No student-athlete will be allowed to practice until this form is on file – no exceptions.
All students are expected to put forth their academic best in all subject areas just as they are expected to put forth their athletic best in all athletic areas.  Throughout all athletic sports seasons, student-athletes are expected to be able to answer yes to the following three questions. If a student, parent/guardian, teacher, or administration fails to respond “yes” to either question – ineligibility may result.
  • Have you turned in all of your homework assignments on time and completed to the best of your ability?
  • Are you giving 100 % effort in your classes, in regards to yourstudies, homework, and tests?
  • Are you showing respect to teachers, classmates, fellow team members, etc?
The player will maintain in good academic standing in the opinion of his/her teachers as well as positive school behavior.  The player’s academic performance and behavior will be reviewed on a weekly basis. The Athletic Director will notify the parent(s) in writing if the player received a warning or ineligible rating from any one teacher.  If a player receives two or more warnings in one week or a warning from the same teacher for two consecutive weeks, the player will be ineligible to participate for that review period. If a player is ineligible twice, the player will be removed from the team.

Uniforms & Fees

Every athletic team is provided a Corpus Christi uniform.  The uniform varies depending upon the sport. At the conclusion of the sports season, it is your responsibility to return a clean uniform.  Failure to do this will result in a replacement fee. We strive to offer a quality athletic experience for your son/daughter.  The participation fee is $60.00 per student, per sport for the coming year.
Coach Guidelines
All coaches need to go through a Background Check and complete the VIRTUS training.  To register for VIRTUS training click hereIf interested in volunteering to coach please let me know so we can connect about this opportunity.
Sports Offered
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Cheerleading (Sideline)
Boys Baseball
Girls Soccer
Boys and Girls Track