
Welcome Back!

Aug 9, 2019Newsletter

Thanks for a fantastic first week with your kiddos! So much fun and learning this week!

Thanks also for a GREAT orientation day! We loved seeing all of you! In case you missed this fun orientation video on Facebook, take a peek!

Course Test Out – High School Students

Do you believe you already have the knowledge required to pass a course with a C+ or better?  If so, sign up for the opportunity to test out of a class. 

  • Testing dates: August 13 & 15
  • You must be onsite (Homestead Campus).
  • This opportunity occurs once per semester so don’t delay! 
  • Deadline to sign up is Monday, August 12

Students must sign up with their Microsoft email account (school account). Sign up HERE

Test Out FAQs

Q: Do I HAVE to test out?

A: No, this is completely optional. 

Q: Is it a class that I am currently scheduled into?

A: Possibly, but that is not required. There is a

Q: Will I test all day both days?

A: No. Each test slot is 2hrs long. If you want to test out of multiple classes, then you will test in multiple slots. 

Q: Won’t the grade of C+ hurt my high school Grade Point Average (GPA)?

A: No, it won’t. When testing out of a course, your transcript will reflect a grade of CR (credit). This does not hurt or help your GPA.

Q: Does testing out give me credit for the whole class?

A: It depends. You have the choice of testing out of one semester or you can attempt to test out of an entire year.

Re:Fuel Opens This Week!

Ms. Amy has been hard at work prepping and reconfiguring the Re:Fuel Coffee Shop space at Homestead Campus! Please remember that Re:Fuel is open each Tuesday and Thursday from 9am – 3pm. All students in grades 6th – 12th are invited to use this space for independent work time. Please check in and out with Ms. Amy as you arrive and depart and keep in mind the expectations while visiting the space.

Parking Lot – Visiting Campus

Thank you for observing super slow speeds and driving through the parking lots with extreme caution as we aim to protect our sweet kiddos and families.

Please remember that we do share a building with 2 other schools and have several families who are in need of the handicapped parking spaces on the sides of the building closest to the doors. It is critical that we keep these spaces free for them at all times. If you park on campus, please always use the spaces within the lot, itself.

Live Lessons Begin This Week!

We are thrilled to get started in our course content this week! Teachers can’t wait to see you during Live Lesson Time on…

Tuesdays at 10am for K – 5 Students

Mondays and Wednesdays for Middle School Students

Mondays for High School Kiddos. HS Students, please don’t forget about Content Focused Office Hours on Wednesday mornings as well!

August Lunch Menu

If your student is planning to be at Re:Fuel on Tuesday/Thursday and would like to order a lunch, he/she may do so! Please note the following change to the menu for this THURSDAY:

Thursday menu: 
*All 3 choices include full salad bar & milk 

Choice #1 
Dutch waffles with whipped cream 
Strawberry cup 
Hash brown potato wedge 
2 sausage links 
Fruit choice 

Choice #2 
Pretzel bag 

Choice #3 
Chef salad 

iCademyGlobal.Org Website

If you are ever lost – – or at another computer and would like to login to the Orientation section where you will find all of the videos, your coursework OR your parent portal, you are able to do so with one simple click!

At the very top of the website found at iCademyGlobal.org, you will see “Student Portal”

This “Student Portal” is where you will find your orientation information and be able to login to view any videos you wish! Pssst… this is great for parents, too! It’s always a GREAT place to start if you are rusty on how to do something. =) Simply login with your firstname.lastname@icademystudents.org and your password

If you are a parent and are hoping to quick take a peek at how your student is doing for the day finishing his/her assignments, you can click on the “Parent Portal” link. Psst….this also works if you are a student working on a different device for the day. Simply click on the link and login as you always do =).

The login screen may look like this…

Or it may look like this. Either screen will get you to your course content or parent observer account. Remember, username is firstname.lastname and your password.

Dutch Village Picnic Potluck

HUGE thanks, again, to Joe Nelis, owner of Dutch Village for hosting our IES Picnic Potluck! We are thrilled to invite families from Precademy, Innocademy Allegan, Innocademy Zeeland and iCademy Global to join us for an evening picnic and fun activities throughout the park on THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND FROM 6-8PM.

To thank Mr. Joe for opening up the park especially for us – and staffing it for the evening, we do ask that all of our families bring a $10 donation.

Please look for a “bring a dish to pass” sign up genius coming out, soon!

Board Member Needed

Would you like to help iCademy Global learn and grow? Do you enjoy strategic thinking and vision casting? We need you! We currently have a vacancy on our board and would love to talk with you more about the possibility of you joining us! Please connect with Tyler.Huizenga@icademyglobal.org if you or someone you know may be interested!

19-20 School Calendar